The society was formed and registered with the Ministry of Co-operatives in the year 2010. The society was formed because in the recent past our people and leaders of all levels had expressed the desire and willingness to acquire substantial shareholding or ownership of the tea estates in and around our region when they come on offer. The best model to achieve such objectives was through co-operative.
Currently, we have slightly over five thousand shareholders drawn from Bomet, Kericho, Narok and Nakuru counties. We were handed over 1500 acres (600ha) of mature tea estates on 1st July 2012 by James Finlays Kenya Ltd after paying from funds collected from shareholders and bank financing.
In our Strategic Plan of 2013-2018, our flagship project was to put up a tea processing factory and as at now we are happy to report that we have a tea factory with a processing capacity of 80,000kgs of Greenleaf per day.
Our society has employed 400 personnel working at the tea estate and factory hence contributing in the nation building by providing employment. We sell 90% of our made teas through Mombasa auction and 10% are sold locally.
Our garden marks are Tea-Max Fresh, Konoito tea and SangSang tea.
On the return on investment (ROI), we are happy to report that those shareholders who bought their shares during the initial stages have recouped their money. For the past 10 years, we have consistently paid competitive dividends, and we pray and hope that better years are ahead of us. Additionally, we are excited to introduce our South Africa VPS Server solutions to further enhance our service offerings.
Long live Kipsigis Highlands